Thursday, January 31, 2013

Create Health, Wealth, And Happiness

The four key phrases are: I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. When an unpleasant feeling, situation or interaction arises, we need to repeat these four phrases until a feeling of balance and neutrality arises. So when we mentally say"I love you" we are expressing a loving orientation towards ourselves. "Im sorry" is an apology for creating a disharmonious curcumstance. Next, we mentally forgive ourselves for the disgression. Finally, we express our graditude. "Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is you responsibility because it is in your life. This means that terrorist activity, the President, the economy or anything you experience and don't like is up for you to heal. That is a hard thing to get a grip on. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you!  

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Why are the college records, of a 51 year old President of the United States, so important to keep secret? Here's my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I am betting not! Speaking of education, who paid for it? If you could unseal Obama's Columbia Univeristy records I believe you would find that HE paid little for either undergarduate school or Harvard Law School, because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign student. Remember Barry Soetoro, who Obama used to be known as from Indonesia. In addition to the above, the release of Obama's Selective Service registration; his Social Security records etc. From what I have read he has had over 7 Social Security numbers. His immigration records, and his father was a foreign born, how about his travel and passport records? Wake up out there. He isn't even a U.S. citizen. So what is he doing as our President? Anyone with me out there?  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One might not think of baby chicks in the dead of winter, while the ground is frozen over and icicles are dangling from the eaves. Cold as it may be, winter is the time for ordering chicks, particularly if you are going to order rare breed chicks online. Once your chicks arrive, you will need to have an interim place for them to stay; you cannot throw them directly into the coop. When planning a temporary home for chicks, cardboard is the way to go. The boxes give little feet something to grip on.You will also need a simple heat lamp.I started 25 chicks 2 days old in my dining room. What a mess! Eventually I had to put them in the garage and when spring came, out in the coop they went. This year I have a friend who is going to let me use her incubator to hatch some eggs. I am sooo excited.I will let you know how that goes.

Monday, January 28, 2013


This past weekend Landen and I celebrated our birthdays. Landens was spent at the skate box where as I took a less dangerous route and went to Longhorn for lunch. How I love family time. My children and grandchildren celebrated with me. How blessed I am. What a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Southern Lanes
Monday, David took Landen to the local Bowling Lanes, and they bowled 2 games. The boys received all A&B's on their report cards, so Landen wanted to bowl for his reward. The first game David won. Landen said that is just a warm up Grandpa. The second game Landen won and won a 5 dollar bill to boot. I think Landen is on his way to becoming a great bowler. Lok at that form! A smart one for sure!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pilates silhouettes -
Remember I told you I was going to an advanced Yoga class. Monday I found out it is being turned into a Pilates class. Oh dear! I am going to try to get my muscles and the rest of my body to get with the program. Pilates is a body conditioning routine that may help build flexibility, strength, and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips, and back. It puts emphasis on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing, and developing a strong core or center, and improving coordination and balance.Intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and adapts to the exercises. I know I sure was sore Monday. No pain no gain they say. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Candy Bar
Best Foods For Calming Your Nervous System
Modern day living and all the busyness and stress that comes along with it can do a real number on your central nervous system, especially if you are not taking proactive steps to counteract this perpetual negative effect on your body. One way to help counteract this damage; however, is to consume foods that can help calm your nervous system naturally for maximum health. Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamins, A, C, and B. Bananas contain magnesium, vitamin B6 and other nutrients that help the body stay hydrated. Dark chocolate contains L-tryptophan, the neurotransmitter responsible for relaxing the brain. Spinach has a high input of fat-soluble vitamins that contribute to the building up of the fatty layer that protect your nerves from damage.Nuts daily can help significantly boost mood, promote feelings of calm, ease anxiety and raise energy levels in as few as three months. I try to eat each food that I have listed each day for a heathy body.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Alexander Hamilton, Robert Fulton, and dozens of ordinary 18-and 19th century New Yorkers sleep for eternity in the cemetery behind Trinity Church, at Broadway and Wall Street. Not far away is where the tragedy of 911 occurried. A few blocks up Broadway, off Fulton Street, more early residents are buried in the graveyards of Saint Paul's Chapel. This is where George Washington attended church. Both are peaceful yet unsettling places; Trinity's cemetery is older than the current church building itself. The jagged, weathered headstones mark the graves of men and women, Revolutionary War soldiers and seamen. and lots of young children. It's hard to read most of the headstones because the elements have erased the names and dates.But many are legible. And to remind visitors of their own mortality, several of the headstones feature this eerie address.
"Behold and See as you Pass By
As You are Now so Once was I
As I am Now and Soon will Be
Prepare for Death and Follow Me"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Like it or not, we are a celebrity obsessed society. Reality shows, tabloids, the news... we are constantly bombarded and surrounded by the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Let's face it, many of us are guilty of at least a little celebrity envy. Much of the celebrity focus seems to be on their amazing, almost surreal, bodies, and , more importantly, how they got there. Those lean bodies, defined arms and toned legs make us wonder what they do to look and stay fit. Take a look at their fitness regimens. I told you about my new class, advanced Yoga. Well it is definately working. I came home Monday and by Tuesday morning I was feeling it. No gain, no pain. We are mixing in Pilates. Pilates works. And most importantly, it's effective! Whether your goal is to improve your fitness, challenge your body or reclaim that body from years gone by.     

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

With the new year upon us and the resolution making frenzy in full effect, many of us myself included will be casting aside clutter in an attempt to streamline our homes. But what, and how much,do you get rid of? What makes clutter, clutter? Where do you draw the line between an inspiring collection and a jumbled mess? If you have ever walked into a fdriend's home and found yourself wondering how they can live with all of that stuff, you know that we each have our own clutter comfort level. So the questions become: What is clutter to you, and what can you do about it? Each of us has an innate sense of what feels cluttered , so the first step in coming to terms with your own clutter is determining what your clutter set point is.I personally do not like any type of clutter in the home. That presents a problem for my husband, because he seems to always have clutter around him. I like a place for everything and everything in its place.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Flu Ridden Red Heart
Effective Treatment For The Flu
Emergency rooms are packed with those unfortunate souls who have come down with these dreaded systems. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has no effective treatment for the flu. Turning to alternative treatments is your best option. How do you know whether you have the flu or a cold? If you have the flu you probably feel so miserable that you think you will die. You can't go to work. Your have a hard time even getting out of bed. Your muscles ache, and you have a combination of fevers, chills, headaches, sore throat, coughing and congested. What should you do? First take elderberry extract. Echinacea will also help the body defend itself. Vitamin C in hefty doses 6000mg a day. Drink plenty of water, home made soups and fresh fruits will get you feeling back to normal.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Full of wisdom. . . . and very brief.
It's not a joke, it's not religious, it's not political.
It's just . .. . special. I think you'll agree.
Please enjoy this one-minute clip.   It has a meaning for all of us.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Most people vastly underestimate the amount of salt they will need in the survival scenario. This happens because all of our food is pre-salted right now by food manufacturers. So we don't think we need extra salt. But in the absence of processed, pre-salted food, an individual's need for real salt is surprisingly high.Salt is essential for life. That's why every land animal seeks out salt and craves it. It's why ocean creatures live in waters made out of salt. It's why human blood is fundamentally made with salt. Your body cannot retain water without salt, and when hospital drips and IV solutions into your bloodstream keep you alive, it's a salt solution! So keep several bottles of Himalayan Salt on the shelves of your kitchen.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

new bird clipart image: clip art illustration of a bluebird sitting on a blooming branch
Gardening For The Birds

As we tend to the needs of the garden, we are often surrounded by wildlife. We may not think about them as wild, but our feathered friends that joyfully sing and flutter about our gardens are provided by nature. Who doesn't enjoy the sights and sounds of birds in the garden, and when the garden is dormant of all her marvelous florals and rich, lush foliage, our feathered friends bring color and sounds during the winter months. There are reasons why birds are attracted to our properties. Many of us provide wnter feeding through bird feeders or a water source in the way of a birdbath. Those are a great way to bring wildlife to the garden, but by adding a few ornamental, fruit bearing trees and shrubs, you can attract and keep birds of many species throughout the winter in your own backyard. Leave the leaves. While many species live high in the treetops, there are those who are suited to living close to the ground. These are the foraging type of birds, looking for insects, fallen seeds and young seedlings that have sprouted under dampened fallen leaves. It's important to garden for the birds in a style that suits your landscape.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Simple Tips For Making 2013 Your Best Year Ever!

Eat as much fresh, locally grown organic delicious food as often as possible.This is where growing your own food comes in. And, don't feel guilty about occasional mistakes. Get Physical. Our bodies are designed to move. Speaking of moving, our advanced yoga class went super. Monday we did mostly stretching the upper torso. If you can't make it to the gym, get out and walk, climb, crawl, jump and bounce around. It's fun! Appreciate everything in your life. After all, it's made you who you are.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Food Clip Art of a Strong Happy Chili Pepper Mascot Cartoon Character Flexing His Arm Muscles

Healthy Eating

Everywhere you look these days someone is touting one diet trend or another. Whether it's swearing off all meat, all wheat, all grains and dairy, or all animal products in general, let's face it unless you have a specific known allergy, there are a lot of conflicting messages out there. I know personally what my body likes and what it doesn't. Some foods are soothing and some are not. I enjoy eating soups and lots of vegetables and fruits.
Then if you turn on a popular health show or flip through any big fitness magazine you will surely see that specific vitamins could improve memory, that some foods might promote better sleep, that particular nutrients cannot be absorbed together, or certain antioxidants could even help prevent cancer. I take so many vitamins and supplements now I can't handle any more. Plus they are all soo expensive. Let's remember that, aside from providing sustenance, food is supposed to be enjoyable and bring people together. Eat healthy, and lets keep the stress out of it!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Stress Free Focus
The honeybee's autoimmune system is 67% at best. Anything and everything stresses them out. For example: opening the hives, which will set them back a day; not enough food stores, noises on the outside of the hive, pretty much anything that doesn't happen if they were in the tree trunk.
All too often people don't think of the honeybee in its own environment. Beekeepers tend to keep bees according to their own personal viewpoints or life style. In truth the bees keep me. They tell me what their needs are and I try to provide it. I keep bees naturally. I don't usaually feed unless one of the hives seem to be weak, or light on honey stores. I never try to bother them unless I am gathering honey. We have this arrangement; I don't bother them and they don't bother me. Really, they are pretty much self sufficient. Now in their dorment stage. I am catching up on reading material and waiting for their first sighting.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Business people on future world path progress -

2013 Will Go Down In History As The Year Of Global Insanity
The Earth isn't going crazy, many of the people who inhabit it certainly are. Madness is about to be unleashed on many fronts: economic, social, political, financial and more. In the near future, you will look back on the Christmas 2012 and think, wow those were GOOD times! The madness in America has reached a crescendo. Nearly half the population is now under the mind control of a cult personality named Obama who is deliberately dismantling America one day at a time. The ultimate plan, as you will see rolled out over the next few years, is installing Communism in America. Wake up out there folks. Our country is being taken over without a shot being fired.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone! You know how much I am into yoga. Well, I have been talking to the manager Moe, at Total Fitness, who by the way goes to Hillvue, and asked him to schedule an advanced yoga class. I have even put this idea in the suggestion box. Come to find out an advanced yoga class has been scheduled for January 7th. I am so excited, but wondering if I am ready for some advanced poses? If you have a good grip on arm balances, inversions, and backbends, you are probably ready to try some more difficult poses. Keep in mind that what makes these poses advanced is that they require a lot of strength and flexibility- both things you get from doing a lot of yoga over a long period. I will let you know how it goes on the 7th.