Wednesday, August 1, 2018

David's Painting on sale now! 50.00 Text me @ 270-792-5274
Sometimes we come across an unexpected bump in life, causing our plans to derail and our hopes to shatter. Or maybe we simply wake up and realize the life we’re living isn’t the one we expected, much less the one we wanted. As a result, we feel unhappy, joyless and discontent.

Perhaps you can relate.

Sweet friend, no matter what you’re going through, loving life is a choice, not a by-product of everything going our way. Our peace, joy, contentment, fulfillment and overall happiness depend on the choice we make.

I now realize it was not only within my reach to love my life again and live it abundantly, but 100 percent within my control, as it is for you.
Your happiness is up to you

Thursday, July 12, 2018


We all have struggles, disappointments and heartbreak. They are unfortunately parts of life — which is why it’s crucial we ground our joy in Christ and not relationships, circumstances, jobs, health or achievements.

All those things are transitory, but joy from Christ is permanent. Holy joy gives us courage to smile when our hearts are broken, pushes us to persevere when we feel like quitting, fuels us to stand strong in faith when hope wavers, and equips us to trust He can always bring beauty from brokenness. Joy from Christ is life-giving.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

July do's in the garden
What to do in the garden in July
– As tempting as it may be, resist from harvesting more rhubarb stems – this will allow the plant to build up reserves for next year.
– Do you grow herbs? Pick, dry and freeze them now. Herbs are perfect to freeze and it’ll make sure that you have plenty to use throughout the year. If, when chopping your herbs, you find you are left with some leftover, a little trick is to pop them in an ice cube tray with water and freeze them into herb-ice cubes.
– It’s time to declare war on weeds! As you’ll know, there are few more important jobs in your garden than weeding. The key to successfully weeding is ensuring that you do it regularly – if you put it on the backburner for a little too long, the weeds can really take hold and it’ll make your life ten times harder in the long run. Tilling through the soil around your plants with a hoe, just skimming beneath the surface to chop the heads of emerging seedlings, is the best way to go about this. Just make sure you do this when the weather is dry as it will be a lot easier.
Suckers sprouting from grafted rose rootstocks will grow vigorously throughout the summer. Be sure to keep them in check as you’ll be surprised at how quickly they can take over. You can remove them by snipping them off at the base.
– Keep an eye out for pests on your plants – it’s always best to spot them early and treat them right away.
Don’t forget the most important of all the jobs on your to-do list this month… Set aside some time to laze around your garden and take in how lovely it looks!




Monday, June 25, 2018

Our Children
Children value themselves to the degree they feel valued.
  • Of course we love our children and we assume they know that.  But there is a difference between being loved and feeling loved. 
  • You are a psychological mirror that your children use to build their identity.
  • Be aware of giving technology more attention than we give our children. [there it was: that warning about social media clear back in 2012!] Do our eyes light up when our children enter a room?  They should!
  • Sometimes as mothers we habitually attend to what is missing or what is wrong instead of building up the good stuff.  Margaret told a story of when she got so frustrated with her son for forgetting things and missing the bus.  She dropped him off at the school with all the weight of her lecture weighing him down.  As she was about to take off, her younger son rolled down the window and called out to his older brother: "I love you!!"  Oh the way she told that story made me so motivated to ease up a little on those lectures!
  • Kids are such a work in progress...we should put ourselves in their shoes as often as we can.
  • Find the goodness in each child and build that up.  Reinforce the good parts of the day and how they made you feel.  We all need positive feedback, right?
  • Compliment kids in front of other kids...pray about how grateful you are for them with them at your side.
  • Undivided attention with each child is so important!  
  • We are all encumbered and frazzled by so many things.  We need to be sure that we acknowledge that those sweet children are so much more important than a phone call, email, blog post, etc.
  • Show love through service.  The mundane (helping them clean a room, a sincere compliment) can become monumental.

  • Thursday, June 21, 2018

    Ninety One Garlic Bulbs!

    The last couple years of my life I’ve had to face one hardship after another. At many points I’ve wondered how I would make it through. It’s hard to feel confident in the goodness of God when circumstances don’t feel good at all.

    We’re often left thinking that if we could just figure out the why, then life would make more sense. Especially in the face of pain or suffering.

    This is where we find the disciples in the ninth chapter of the book of John — holding out the question of why. Jesus and His disciples had come across a man who’d been blind from birth. It was an encounter that left the disciples asking Jesus, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2b, NIV)

    The disciples were looking for someone to blame for this unfortunate situation. If they could only figure out the reason why, then this man’s hurt would be more tolerable, they reasoned.

    Being blind in Jesus’ time was often seen as a statement about the sin in your life. So, you probably didn’t have a whole lot of help from people. In their eyes, you were not only blind — people assumed you were a sinner God was punishing. Jesus turned this thinking on its head when He declared the words of our key verse to His disciples: “‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him’” (John 9:3).

    The reason this man was blind was so others could see the amazing power of God. Healing his physical blindness would lead others to spiritual sight. It would shine a light on the One who declared He had come to be the Light of the world.

    Sadly, not all who witnessed this man’s healing were open to Jesus’s truth. In fact, it stirred up a whole mess with the Pharisees — a group of men whose lives prove we don’t have to be physically blind to only see darkness.

    The Pharisees knew all about the prophesied Messiah. But when Jesus came on the scene, they couldn’t see He was the One. They knew all the right answers, but didn’t make the right choice.

    Oh, how this makes my heart pause. What do I want most? What do I need most? Answers … or Jesus?

    As much as I want answers for those things that break my heart, what I’m finding I want and need more is spiritual sight. I want to approach a situation that might look hopeless and see the spiritual potential. I want to read the Bible and see clearly what God wants to say. I want to know how to react to situations in a way that honors Christ. I’m guessing these are things you are wanting, too.

    So how do we get this kind of spiritual sight? We ask God for it. Continually. And sometimes that means surrendering our “whys” and choosing instead to ask, “Will You help me see You, Lord? Even in this?” He is the One who can illuminate the dark places for us. His presence alone has the power to bring us peace in the midst of our unanswered questions.

    Today, let’s be careful not to get stuck in our whys. Let’s not allow them to leave us blind to His presence, blind to His goodness, blind to His power, blind to the hope we have in Him. Let’s not be like the Pharisees — people who could physically see but were blind to the Savior standing right in front of them.

    I know this isn’t easy. Trust me. I have situations where I've begged God to give me answers. But I’m realizing instead of answers, He's given me Himself. A way to come straight to Him, the One who already has it all figured out. The One who reminds me I don’t have to have His answers to have His comfort.