Thursday, May 17, 2012

Picnic poster
It's That Time Of Year

Who doesn't enjoy a picnic or barbecue on a beautiful summer day surrounded by friends, family, delicious food, and cold beverages.In the fast paced society of today few people take the time to enjoy relaxing past times. It is easy to fall into a routine that involves little more than the things that are necessary to survive financially and physically. I can remember as a child we always went on picnics. My mother was the oldest of 10 and when we all got together it was a crowd, to say the least. Mom would start early in the morning frying chicken and making potato salad. By mid morning we were ready to hop in the car and go to a park near by and spend the day with the family. Baseball, hiking, and telling forturnes were definately on the agenda. I don't know how that food kept, but none of us ever got sick. We would stay all day, and when light was no more off we would go back home.
Connect with each other instead of connecting with your iPods, Wiis, or MacBooks. It's that time of year!