Thursday, July 12, 2012

 Five Ways To Find Joy In Tough Times

These are tough times getting tougher. We all should know by now that stress may be the number one catalyst for bad health. But denial is not the answer. We need to understand more about the reality of our times in order to survive. The trick is to do so while retaining a level of equanimity and compassionate detachment, not merely forced cold indifference. Through equanimity, the spark of joy can ignite happiness no matter what the environment is forcing on us. True happiness comes from within. What we all need to do is curb anger and rage, keep good company, practice real kindness, be in the moment, and get involved more in nature. Now you are talking my number. Take walks in nature and observe trees, birds,sky and clouds with interest. If you can, try some gardening. Many,as I do, find they relax while getting connected and centered that way, while getting less anxious about the future.