Evaluating My Hives
It is August, it is hot, and I for one don't find opening hives to be much fun this time of year. The bees are sometimes grumpier. David found that out Saturday when he was caulking the barn. He got stung 5 times. One around his eye. I had to laugh. I know its not funny, but his eye puffed up and he looked, well, like this.
At this point in the season, I am not concerned that hives contain sufficient food stores for the winter, but rather that they contain enough food to get them through the winter. This is the time of year when in Kentucky and the surrounding region, the nectar flow ususally slows to a trickle or a slow drip. However, in central Kentucky at least bees seem to be finding nectar in spite of the dry weather. I am looking forward to goldenrod blooming and a honey flow in the fall.