This does not necessarily have to mean subjecting yourself weeks of rigorous bowel cleansing and liver detoxifying. Breathing usually is not something we think about since it comes so naturally. But a majority of people really don't breathe correctly, especially in our fast paced world. By taking in more oxygen, tissues are effectively detoxified, the mind is clarified and the nervous system is calmed. Leading to positive, emotional states.
Hydrate! Drinking water seems like such a basic action, yet dehydration is common. It is particularly important to drink plenty of water first thing in the morning as toxins have accumulated during the night. Adding the juice of half a lemon is even better as it helps support the liver.
Brush! Dry skin brushing is another economical and easy way to detoxify.The feet are a good place to start. Brush the legs, arms, back and abdomen. It takes only 5 to 10 minutes to brush the entire body. Make sure to enjoy a hot shower afterwards.