What's Going On
A broody hen is a hen who has decided it is time to sit on the nest and hatch a few eggs. Hens try to lay in the same nest each day to accumulate a stockpile of eggs. I have 35 in this nest. When the stockpile is sufficient for her needs, a hen will settle over the eggs with intentions of hatching the eggs. It takes 21 days and a delicate balance of heat and humidity to hatch a chicken egg. Well with that backround, I went into the chicken coop yesterday and noticed Rabecca was not on the nest and the eggs were cold. I went back 2 hours later and she was still off. I gathered the eggs and disposed of them. How sad! I was so looking forward to baby chicks, and I know she was looking forward to being a mother. I e-mailed McMurray Hatchery and they said: It's hard to know why your hen decided not to set on her eggs anymore. Sometimes it's difficult to second guess "mother nature". So I guess we will have to wait till spring. Fall is coming on, and there won't be enough light to produce baby chicks. Next time I am going to mark the eggs with x's and not have so many in the nest. Also I am going to candle them to see which ones are fertilized. Such goes life in the chicken yard.