Thursday, October 4, 2012

Beekeeping Naturally

I suppose you would have to be living under a rock these days to have not heard that the honey bees and beekeepers are in trouble. The problems are complex, far reaching and mostly recent. They are certainly a threat to the survival of the beekeeping industry but, even more so, to the survival of many plants which we need or want for food and many other plants that are a necessary part of the environment.
"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it." George Bernard Shaw
It seems like there is some controversy over whether it is even possible to keep bees without treatments. But there are many of us who are doing this and succeeding. I basically leave my bees to fend for themselves. They do it in the wild, so why not. I do feed them sugar water in October to get a strong brood going, but that is the extent of it. I have gotten honey this year and all of the hives seem healthy. I have my fingers crossed they will make it through the winter and be stronger than ever in the Spring.