Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yesterday McNeil Elementary had their Halloween Party. The boys and girls seem to be having fun. Look at all this food. Wow! I would have loved this as a child. Cupcakes, cookies, pizza, fruit, candy etc.The boys and girls had plenty of treats and games. Our grandchildren had a great time as you can see.

Cow Pose

The Cat - Cow Stretch
Many people think that yoga is just stretching. But while stretching is certainly involved, yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits.

Our teacher always decribes the cat portion of a cat-cow stretch as looking like a Halloween Cat. So it seems like an appropriate pose to focus on this week. of course you're going to want to counter it with a few cow poses too. Happy Halloween!