Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The World Ends In Just Four Days
The world will come to an end in just four days, and that's a hugh relief, because it means we can all finally stop flossing. I doubt your dental health is going to dramatically change before 12/21/12. You can also stop taking out the trash and paying all your bills. Over the next four days, we can pig out like kings, paying no heed to the mountains of junk food, pies and donuts we consume, since it won't really matter after the Mayan calendar comes to an end on December 21st. We can stop returning rented DVDs...Tell people what we really think, right to their face... Ask out the pretty girl or cute boy you have always admired off chance that they might have liked you too. What's to be afraid of? We are all dead in four days anyway. Your clock is ticking, even if its' not the Mayan calendar driving it. Each day that passes is one less day you have available to practice love, forgiveness, compassion , ethics and morality.