Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Candy Bar
Best Foods For Calming Your Nervous System
Modern day living and all the busyness and stress that comes along with it can do a real number on your central nervous system, especially if you are not taking proactive steps to counteract this perpetual negative effect on your body. One way to help counteract this damage; however, is to consume foods that can help calm your nervous system naturally for maximum health. Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamins, A, C, and B. Bananas contain magnesium, vitamin B6 and other nutrients that help the body stay hydrated. Dark chocolate contains L-tryptophan, the neurotransmitter responsible for relaxing the brain. Spinach has a high input of fat-soluble vitamins that contribute to the building up of the fatty layer that protect your nerves from damage.Nuts daily can help significantly boost mood, promote feelings of calm, ease anxiety and raise energy levels in as few as three months. I try to eat each food that I have listed each day for a heathy body.