Wednesday, January 9, 2013

new bird clipart image: clip art illustration of a bluebird sitting on a blooming branch
Gardening For The Birds

As we tend to the needs of the garden, we are often surrounded by wildlife. We may not think about them as wild, but our feathered friends that joyfully sing and flutter about our gardens are provided by nature. Who doesn't enjoy the sights and sounds of birds in the garden, and when the garden is dormant of all her marvelous florals and rich, lush foliage, our feathered friends bring color and sounds during the winter months. There are reasons why birds are attracted to our properties. Many of us provide wnter feeding through bird feeders or a water source in the way of a birdbath. Those are a great way to bring wildlife to the garden, but by adding a few ornamental, fruit bearing trees and shrubs, you can attract and keep birds of many species throughout the winter in your own backyard. Leave the leaves. While many species live high in the treetops, there are those who are suited to living close to the ground. These are the foraging type of birds, looking for insects, fallen seeds and young seedlings that have sprouted under dampened fallen leaves. It's important to garden for the birds in a style that suits your landscape.