Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One might not think of baby chicks in the dead of winter, while the ground is frozen over and icicles are dangling from the eaves. Cold as it may be, winter is the time for ordering chicks, particularly if you are going to order rare breed chicks online. Once your chicks arrive, you will need to have an interim place for them to stay; you cannot throw them directly into the coop. When planning a temporary home for chicks, cardboard is the way to go. The boxes give little feet something to grip on.You will also need a simple heat lamp.I started 25 chicks 2 days old in my dining room. What a mess! Eventually I had to put them in the garage and when spring came, out in the coop they went. This year I have a friend who is going to let me use her incubator to hatch some eggs. I am sooo excited.I will let you know how that goes.