Monday, February 4, 2013

Unusual Personal Information 
While few people can deny that the modern flush toilet pioneeered in 1591, but refined numerous times thereafter is a marvel of engineering. Simply put, sitting to defacate places enormous strain on the lower rectum since the downward pushing of the diaphragm causes the veins to stretch and swell leading to an inefficient evacuation at best, hemorrhoids, IBS, and a host of other bowel related conditons at worse. Squatting, on the other hand, decreases abdominal pressure since it straightens the rectum and relaxes the muscles. Fortunately, you don't need to repace your lavish modern toilet with a decidedly less attractive Third World squat toilet to reap the benefits of squatting. Instead, you can simply squat while balancing on the toilet seat. Now that we have covered this subject tomorrow we will move on.