Monday, March 25, 2013

Hen Setting On Eggs...
I have a hen that has decided to set on four eggs. I marked an X on the eggs I wanted to hatch so I don't get them confused with newly laid eggs. It is day 9 and she is still setting. The weather has been cold, but it is nice and warn under her feathers. The second picture is an egg carton that I wanted to put in the chicken coop. A friend gave it to me. I can remember as a child, these were the egg cartons that we used to pick up in the grocery store. I think it adds a special touch to their coop. The third picture is my new chicks at three weeks old. They are growing like weeds. I have figured out I have 2 roosters and 1 hen. I am not thrilled with that, but at least the roosters will be good meat to eat. We will see what this batch of eggs has to offer.