Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Organic Food Label
One of the biggest complaints among ordinary families trying to eat healthy is that clean, organic food is simply too expensive, and thus out of reach for the average budget. But eating right does not have to break the bank, especially when you know what to look for and how to shop for it. Buy local. We have u-pick strawberries and blueberries in our area. Buy in bulk. Costco's is a great place with great prices. Grow your own food. Plant a garden in your yard. Tomatoes can be planted in containers which makes it so everyone can be involved. Become a coupon shopper. Now I do have to say I am not a coupon shopper. I don't receive the paper and most of the coupons for the item is not what I buy. Join a cooperative. When the children were young we always bought from a co-op. We would buy 50 pounds of popcorn, beans, rice, etc. You can't beat it.