Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Staying Cool During Your Summer Workouts
You've been exercising regularly, but now it's summer and hot. Sometimes even dangerously hot, and seemingly too hot to go work out. But don't decide this is the time for a little summer break from fitness, experts say, because you may be hurting yourself in the long run. It's important to continue exercising over the summer because the effects of exercise training are rapidly lost once training stops. Use it or lose it. With summer, my plate is full. And I often think to myself wouldn't it be nice if I just got an extra hour of shut eye. Or maybe skip yoga today. Too much to do. There will always be too much to do for me. I cram too much in too little space, but I love being busy. So to keep your workouts from meltdown; hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Always carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go. Sixty four ounces of water per day. That's right! Got to go now, Yoga is calling me.