Saturday, September 14, 2013

New Ways To Keep A Flock While Learning Some Tips And Tricks For Reducing Your Feed Cost!...

In the process of raising chickens we many times start out with only a few birds, and this cost of feeding is minimal. But as all chicken owners know, chicken math usually comes into play. Our flocks increase in size very rapidly, often times more than doubling with one purchase of additional birds. Before we realize it feed cost are rising sky high. What now? Do we have to reduce our flocks? Or is there another option to bet cost down?
One big factor is whether or not you can free range your birds. I don't. But I am thinking seriously about it. My compost bin is the front of the chicken yard. You throw into this area all the vegetable matter you can get. Grass clipping too! You can also use the chicken tractor method where you place 4 to 5 hens in an open bottomed pen onto fresh grass. I do this with my chickens. How about growing your chicken feed? Like tomatoes, beans, sunflower seeds, and squash. By using a combination of these methods you can successfully reduce your feed costs for a happier you, a happier wallet and still have happy chickens.