Tuesday, November 12, 2013

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Are Americans Actually Insane
This is very interesting. Check out the examples, and see which ones apply to you.
1. You are miserably overweight and have no energy, yet consume a diet high in processed food.
2.  You under perform on the job and think you deserve more out of your employer.
3.  A parent complains about a spoiled child, but continues to spoil.
4. You act as if material goods give you happiness. When they don't you seek more material goods.
5. You have low self-esteem, but pile on with daily self-condemnation.
6.  A tortured woman stays with the man who mistreats her.
7.  A busy person complains of too much stress, but won't slow down.
8.  The government has mismanaged funds worse than a severe gambling addict, but you aren't prepared for a global financial catastrophe.
9.  Raw, organic fruits and vegetables are clearly the healthiest foods on the planet, but your diet contains less than 10% of these.

Is it really INSANITY or something else?