Friday, January 3, 2014

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A Winter Day
Snow came to South Central KY yesterday which made the roads rather slick. Today I am catching up on chores and looking at seed catalogues. Its that time of year you know. I always look forward to looking at the new fruits and vegetables that are available. I do love the old varieties like Blue Lake Bush beans, Detroit beets and the Straight Eight cucumbers. As I have said many times in many of my posts that I grow organic. Organic is a method that rejects the aggressive action of chemicals. Organic gardeners prefer to use natural tillers- earthworms and microorganisms -to till the soil for them. I have chickens, so I have access to organic matter to spread over my garden, which in turn helps to grow healthy plants. Soon spring will be here and I will be planting peas, lettuce, spinach and kale. Hurry Spring and make yourself known!