Saturday, January 11, 2014

Talk Of The Flock
Chickens speak a language of their own, and if you listen carefully, you can interpret it. I like to eavesdrop in the coop or yard when the chickens are clucking quietly to each other. It makes me think they are just comparing notes of the morning gossip. The "egg song" sung from a nest box is loud enough for me to hear while I am working in the garden. The announcement of a day's labor accomplished is hard to describe, but once heard, memorable. Occasionally, A SPECIAL TIDBIT MIGHT BE FOUND, AND THERE'S MUCH EXCLAMATION OVER THAT. If it's something stretchy they have found - like a worm - the resulting hen cantering around the yard with a troop jogging behind is worth a smile, if not a giggle.
As you watch your flock and learn about them, you will be able to interpret much of what they are communicating. You may even want to try talking back to them.