Wednesday, February 5, 2014

vegetarian eggs and chickens

Are Chickens Supposed To Be Vegetarians?
You know, the ones that boldly declare that the eggs sitting cozily inside their carton are from chickens fed an all natural vegetarian diet. At first glance, that sounds pretty good, right? I mean, it's always good to pay attention to labels especially with all the iffy stuff that takes place in food production these days. But when I stroll down the egg aisle at my local grocery store, those particular labels always make me shake my head. Cause if you have ever watched a chicken scratch and peck around your yard, then you know that chickens are most definitely not vegetarians by nature. A free range chicken generally makes a sport of hunting down and happily devouring any sort of moving object it can find including moths, grasshoppers, grubs worms, and even the occasional mouse or frog. It's a great way to pass time and an important source of protein for their diet. If you want to dig deeper into the confusing world of egg labels, check out this post from therisingspoon.