Tuesday, April 8, 2014

female eyes, vector -Look Around You At The Evidence Right In Front Of Your Eyes

I am on my philosophical side today. I had cataract surgery yesterday at Greenview Hospital. I had not been seeing very well out of my right eye, but ignored it for far too long, expecting my left eye to pick up all the duties. I finally went to the Ophthamogist  two weeks ago and he prescribed the surgery on my right eye. It was a success, but resting is a key to complete recovery. Now to get on the important subject. A modern young man growing up today in America, and living on processed foods is little more than a shadow of the strong vibrant young men who worked the farms just three generations ago. Today's generation of youth is pathetic, weak, academically inept, and heavily pampered with their video games, consoles, Ritalin drugs and air conditioned schools with watered down curriculum. In fact, the people all around you are over medicated, over fed and at the same time malnourished. What to do? Examine the truth! This is about how human civilization is being brought to its knees.