Monday, May 19, 2014

perfume bottle with floral scent -

Fruit And Herb Scents
It's no secret that one whiff of a flower or food can take us back in time, eliciting certain memories that take us right back to a specific place, person or even a popular song from the past. For an example,  that's  all I have to do is go back to my childhood home, and I can smell the roses and lilacs in the yard. As a child, our yard was small, but packed full of flowers. Mom squeezed in every bush and plant that she enjoyed and loved. I would take roses every week to the nuns after lunch. We didn't have a cafeteria back then so I walked home for lunch. My mother would go in the backyard and pick the most fragrant of the roses and then wrap them in waxed paper for me to carry to the nuns, where they would put my roses in a vase, and put them on the desk for all to see. I love my childhood memories!