Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My yoga friend is moving to Louisville June 12th. I hate to see her go. She has been a good friend and I enjoy her company. She was asking me if I need any porch furniture. My porch looks like a furniture store now, but I couldn't resist this wicker rocker and ottoman for $25. A little paint will do it.
I need to stay off the internet, and stop reading all of this propaganda about food collapse. The only reason most people obey laws and agree to live in a socially polite manner is, because their bellies are full. Take away the food and all illusions of social friendliness vanish in about nine meals. Here is another reason why I freeze and can my food. I have a supply at my fingertips. Hopefully others won't put their hands on my food.  I just hope it doesn't come down to this!