Monday, July 21, 2014

Easy Ways To Prevent Food Waste From The Comfort Of Home
Its estimated that in America, about 133 billion pounds of food go to waste annually. The waste exists for a variety of reasons, ranging from expired or forgotten foods in household refrigerators to regulations that do not permit retailers to sell foods that are bruised, or otherwise deemed unattractive. First, think twice about throwing out the parts of foods typically considered not edible. For example, watermelon rinds with the green outer layer of skin peeled off, are edible and even contain antioxidants that fight free radicals. Additionally, the skin of kiwi can be eaten. considering that it has three times the amount of fiber than the flesh. The same goes for the core of a pineapple, which is filled with nutrients known to fight pain and inflammation. Celery is another crop that can be re rooted to grow another celery stalk. Dry carrot leaves! they are extremely nutritious, with six times more vitamin C than the root. Are you getting the idea?