Thursday, August 7, 2014

Female in yoga pose -
Bedtime Yoga
I haven't talked about yoga in a while, mainly, because it has been so busy with picking and canning my summer veggies and fruits for the winter season. I forgot to let you know what is going on in yoga. First of all, our teacher of 15 years left. Which was sad, but I understand. Now we have a young lady who is 7 months pregnant, and starts a new form of yoga. I just don't feel like I am getting the same workout now. She is very nice, but since then, we have lost half the class. Enough about that! I wanted to bring up 4 poses that I use for relaxing that you can do right before you hit the sack. The first one is child's pose. It is very calming. Start seated on your heels, then fold your torso on top of your thighs, and try to bring your forehead toward the floor. The second is legs up the wall. This posture drains lactic acid from your legs and lets gravity gradually reverse the weight of your day. Happy baby pose in which you stretch your outer hips after a day of sitting. Last, but not least, being seated and bending your knees, open your knees out to the side, and place the soles of your feet together and recline your back.