Monday, April 20, 2015

As I am sitting here on a Monday with my delicious hot chocolate, I am watching out the window as the rain keeps falling. I hear in the next forty days that rain will fall twenty seven of them. O' my what's a Gardner to do? I planted potatoes, beets, spinach, and carrots two weeks ago, with no sightings of even a green leaf. 
  1. cucumbers
Considered a veggie but technically a fruit related to melons, the cucumber is often an afterthought or garnish for most. Too bad. It's not only a tasty addition to many foods and very hydrating with it's 90-plus percent water content; cucumbers are packed with a load of health-benefiting nutrients too.

Reduce cancer risk: Cucumbers' polyphenol lignin's and phytonutrients have anti-cancer properties that have been isolated by some studies.

 Prevent brain health decline: Cucumber's anti-inflammatory flavonol, fisetin, plays an important role in brain health. Fisetin protects against progressive memory loss and cognitive decline according to animal testing.

 Support digestion: Cucumber skins contain insoluble fiber, which helps add bulk to your stool. This helps food to move through your digestive tract more quickly for healthy elimination. Ayurveda recommends cucumbers to release excess stomach heat and resolve bad breath.

 High in antioxidants: Cucumbers contain vitamin C and beta-carotene. They also contain antioxidant flavonoids, such as quercetin, apigenin, luteolin and kaempferol, which provide additional benefits.

 Resist inflammation: Animal studies with cucumber extract have demonstrated their ability to inhibit pro-inflammatory enzymes.

 Manage stress: Cucumbers are high in vitamin B, especially B1 (thiamine), B5 (pantothenic acid) and B7 (biotin). These are water-soluble vitamins in a waterlogged fruit/veggie that support the nervous system.

 Support heart health: Cucumbers contain potassium. As a vital electrolyte, it is associated with a healthy heart. A proper balance of potassium and sodium is essential to good overall health.

Weight watcher compatible: Besides creating soft gel in the stomach with its insoluble fiber to feel full faster, cucumbers are incredibly low in calories. A cup of sliced cucumbers weighs in at 16 calories.

So pick up two or three organic "cukes" soon and see how often you can include some cucumber in your daily diet.


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