Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today, I picked raspberries at a friends house after yoga class. Aren't they beautiful? I am going to make a raspberry cobbler with them. Thanks Julie! 
Every day I get the opportunity to start new. Every day I can begin again. Maybe I missed it yesterday. Maybe I got too busy or I got sucked into Facebook, or I just didn’t want to go to Bible Study.  Those are the moments that keep me up at night. Those are the moments I need God’s grace to cover me so I can start over. I need His help every day.

We will have things and times and decisions we will regret over the course of our lives. The key to really living, to living regrettably, is not to have no regrets, it’s to know and choose to begin again. It’s to be fully awake to our decisions. It’s to choose the direction of our lives the best that we can, with who we are and where we are. It’s to trust God, walking forward in faith, knowing that He delights in us as we delight in Him and the good things He gives us.

We can live in such a way that at the end, we can die satisfied with how we lived.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post, Susan! I needed to read this today. I tend to hold onto things (aka-worry like my mind is on a loop recorder) but choosing to have the mindset of beginning again each day is very freeing. I wouldn't get through each day without God's grace, love & guidance. Also, those raspberries look Deee-licious! :)
