Tuesday, September 29, 2015


And The Beet Goes On

   It's really important to make friends with beets as they are one of the best foods for the gallbladder. 
   Beets are helpful in fat digestion, decongesting the gallbladder AND liver and thinning the bile. Not too shabby for a lowly root vegetable!
The bile has several functions in the body. 
   One is to break down the fat in the food we ingest. It is an emulsifier (detergent) that cuts through the fat like detergent cuts through grease, breaking it up into smaller molecules which the body can then distribute for other uses in the body. 

   Bile also helps with the elimination of toxins from the liver. For example, if you breathe in exhaust fumes from a car or a plane, or if you breathe in dust, it goes down into your lungs where your blood picks it up and deposits it into the liver. The liver filters the toxins from the blood and dumps them in the bile for removal. The bile takes them into the intestines for elimination. If the bile gets thick like cream and/or begins to form sludge, and does not flow smoothly, this indicates that the fat metabolism is
deficient, metabolism is deficient. If someone is not metabolizing fats and eats a fatty meal, they will start to burp immediately. This is a symptom of gallbladder trouble. So it is important to keep the bile thin and beets are one of the best foods to do that.   

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