Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Why do we love fairytales? And long for them to be true? Are they just fantasy, a way to escape our lives? I believe they are the opposite.

These longings of ours are not fantasy. They are signposts. Pointing us beyond what we can see. Leading us into the heart of things. Into Hope and Joy and Love.

There is a Prince.
There is a Hero.
We are loved.
We are chosen.
We are beloved.

There is a Love we all long for.
There is Joy at the center of everything.
And Hope beyond the walls of the world.

There are Hands that hold us.
There is a purpose in the middle of it all.

And one day, God will heal His broken world and His children’s hearts, and wipe away every tear from every eye.
Oh how I long for this!

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