Saturday, June 4, 2016

Have you ever:
- Texted while driving and lived to tell about it?
- Thawed meat on the counter?
- Let your child play or watch TV while you showered?
- Driven after drinking/smoking or swallowing just a teeny bit of a controlled substance?
- Forgotten to change the batteries in your home/business smoke detectors?
- Realized something dangerous was within reach of your toddler just in time?
- Hydroplaned your car?
- Let your kids eat cookie dough?
- Discovered your child wasn't properly buckled up when you went to get him/her out or that the child safety seat had not been installed correctly?
- Had a single-car accident (run into a tree/post/off the road)?
- Been responsible for a fender-bender or car accident.
- Had a young child leave the house while you slept/were occupied?
- Had your car slide on ice?
- Slammed on your breaks or swerved into the opposing lane of traffic to avoid hitting an animal in the road?
- Allowed leftovers to cool before putting them in the fridge?
- Lost your kid for more than 20 seconds in a public place?
- Walked down the side of a public road while drunk?
- Had your child to ride a bike/skateboard/scooter/horse without a helmet?
- Made a phone call while driving?
- Distracted or frightened someone driving a motor vehicle?
- Had to take your child to the ER for an injury?
- Cut through a parking lot in your vehicle instead of going to the end of the row before turning?
- Taken a photo of your kids in a public place?
- Forgotten to turn your headlights on?
- Had a child or furbaby with a mind of his/her own?
- Let your car tires get a little bit bald?
- Had a drink of hot coffee or tea while holding a baby/child/pet?
- Ridden a bicycle, walked or jogged on a busy road.
- Gone into traffic to save an animal.


What's your score? Did you answer "Yes" for one or more of the items on the list? I did.
But at least I never let my kid fall into a gorilla enclosure, right? I mean... who the heck does that?!?!
I mean, THAT is one heck of a mistake! None of the errors in judgement listed above are ANYTHING like that!

Or are they?

1 comment:

  1. Good one, Susan. I definitely have done several of the above (and lived to tell about it.) ha! But no, none of my kids ever fell into a gorilla enclosure. In any event, isn't it good to be assured we are all human? Have a nice Sunday. Susan
