Saturday, August 13, 2016

1. Practicing gentle yoga can help you to feel better.

Yoga means unity. As you practice gentle yoga all the different parts of you work together.

I like to think of this as my body, mind and emotions, all working together and pulling in the same direction.

Why is this important?

In this fast paced world we live in, there is so much stress all around us.

To really feel good and create a life that is meaningful and purposeful, yoga helps you to take time to quieten the noise all around you, and tune into how you are feeling on all levels.

2. Practicing gentle yoga can help you to heal naturally.

Yoga works holistically on all levels, addressing physical, mental or emotional pain.

As you practice yoga and meditation you connect with and activate your central nervous system, your hormonal system and your body chemistry.

If you suffer with painful health conditions or if you have experienced any form of mental or emotional trauma, abuse, addictions, stress, fears or phobias, gentle yoga can be a very powerful, and effective healing tool.

3. Yoga can help you release stress.

Yoga teaches us that working with meditation and breathing exercises (called pranayama) can help control your body and quieten your mind.

In a gentle yoga practice, the focus on breathing consciously can help to release stress naturally.

Yoga really is for everyone.

With yoga, it really doesn’t matter what age you are or where you start from. As I always like to say to my students, ‘if you can breathe, you can do yoga!’

Practicing gentle yoga can help you to feel better, heal your body naturally and give you the strength and courage to create a life that you love.

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