Monday, August 1, 2016

shockingly simple skills that today’s pathetic Millennials have no idea how to do.

#1) Plant a seed in dirt and grow an edible plant.

#2) Change a bicycle tire.

#3) Sharpen a pencil.

#4) Identify the name of any tree or bird in the real world.

#5) Check the oil level in any engine.

#6) Name a single star in the night sky.

#7) Change a blown fuse in anything (or even reset a circuit breaker).

#8) Drive a stick shift. (Many don’t even know what “stick shift” means.)

#9) Navigate using a printed map without using GPS.

#10) Strike a punching bag without injuring their frail, fragile wrists.

#11) Repair a broken garden hose without throwing it away and buying a new hose.

#12) Stop bleeding with a tourniquet.

#13) Cut a piece of wood in a straight line using a hand saw.

#14) Carry a 50 lb. bag of animal feed on their shoulder for 50 meters.

#15) Cook a real meal that isn’t “instant” or microwaveable.

#16) Start a camp fire, even with a lighter.

#17) Sharpen a knife, even using a knife sharpener.

#18) Build a shelter in the forest by using only forest materials.

#19) Use a car jack without ripping the bumper off the vehicle.

#20) Chop wood for a wood stove.

#21) Locate and reset the ground fault tolerant button on an electrical outlet to restore power to the outlets.

#22) Dry clothes on a clothesline.

#23) Strip a copper wire.

#24) Securely tie a rope to anything at all.

#25) Calculate a 15% waiter tip in their heads.

#26) Make a broken bone splint out of anything at all.

And for advanced skills, Millennials have absolutely no idea how to do any of the following:

#27) Catch a fish.

#28) Clean a pistol.

#29) Swap out the hydraulic hose on a piece of farm equipment.

#30) Intelligently read any food label.

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