Saturday, November 25, 2017

  1. Every morning I open my eyes and say a prayer of gratitude to God.
  2. I enlist at least 3 things I wake up to for which I am truly thankful.
  3. When the thoughts become uncontrollable, I write them down on a paper and in the end I tear the paper and throw it in the garbage. It somehow helps me align myself to the most important things in my life.
  4. When I find myself obsessing about something, I intentionally surrender it to God with a prayer and an acceptance and the belief of God is in control.
  5. I enlist my strengths to counter every weakness that my mind draws my attention to.
  6. I share.
  7. I acknowledge the presence of my friends and family, by letting them know how glad and grateful I am to have them in my life.
  8. I meditate and attend yoga and Pilates classes that make me light and happy. 
  9. I try to let go of being the judge. I let go of seeing things as black or white, right or wrong.
  10. Just before I end my day, I kiss DAVID good night and together we say a short prayer to thank the Lord for the bounties present in our lives.

These little things help me cleanse my mind of all the clutter

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