Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chilling Out

Who is that in the bed? Why its Landen! Jennifer is off on spring break and Landen is staying with us. Jennifer called this morning with the weather forecast. You don't even want to know. Sunny and temps in the 80's. It is windy here and temps in the 50's, but the sun is shining. The problem is tar balls. All up and down the beach. Yuck! Another issue is gas. It cost them $200.00 just to go to Gulf Shores. I think I will just be happy with Landen and David just chilling out. If gasoline gets much higher, we will be spending our vacation in the backyard catching up on projects. That's right folks. Imagine with me the sun shining, temps in the upper 70's which means it is almost grilling time! Your eyes are looking at that big steak slowly cooking on the grill, you hear the sizzling, smell the great aroma, and make the first cut and see the juices flowing. You take the piece and put it into your mouth. The flavor is perfect and the juices max your taste buds. Hmmm--Hmmm, Good! Not bad for a day at home.

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