Monday, April 4, 2011

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are a common site during spring and summer in South Central KY. I put my feeder up around the 15th of April, and notice scouts in the area. After about two weeks I get a pair or two to start out. Hummingbirds are fascinating birds to watch.

Hummingbirds rely on nectar to provide them the energy they need to fly, to hover and to eat the insects that are their main source of protein. They obtain most of this nectar from flowers but are more than willing to have their nectar needs met from an appealing feeder. It is not necessary to add red food coloring to your syrup, and may actually be dangerous for the birds. I use 1 part sugar to three parts water. The color red attracts Hummingbirds, so your feeder should contain some red parts. Also red flowers will do the trick.

There is an old wives tale that says, put your feeder out at the first sound of a Hummingbirds"hum". When is that? Beats the heck out of me. I will stick with April 15th. Will keep you folks updated on my first sighting.

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