Thursday, January 26, 2012

a pharmacy worker discussing a prescription with a customer clipart

Avoid Antibiotics- There Are Alternatives
There are situations when antibiotics are necessary and sometimes life-saving. Severe infections of the nervous system, kidneys, blood, and lungs require antibiotics. But common respiratory and ear infections, for example, do not need antibiotics. Most of these are caused by viruses anyway so antibiotics will have no benefit. And antibiotics can cause significant adverse health effects, including setting the body up for future infections. Antibiotics kill off beneficial bacteria that discourage infections. Antibiotics also have a suppressing effect on the immune system, especially white blood cell productions and the body's own ability to fight infection. In addition, overuse of antibiotics are exposure to antibiotics through the food we eat has lead to bacterial resistance. Then antibiotics are ineffective fighting infections and we have to move to stronger antibiotics with even more side effects.
A much better solution is to use antiviral and antibacterial herbs and supplements to fight infections. So at the first sign of a virus take a Chinese Herbal Yin Chiao formula. Echinacea is sometimes helpful to stimulate white blood cell production as well. These are all available at many health food stores or on the internet.
For any infections take liquid silver, vitamin C, vitamin A, and increase your vitamin D to at least 10,000 IU for infection.
Stock up on these supplements for the winter season. Keep them available and start taking them at the first sign of infection.    

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