Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How Is This Possible?

We all question our self worth at one time or another. All of us need reasurance from time to time, especially in high pressure situations. My parents used to always say "do your best" that is all we can expect. Don't buy into materialism, status, prestige, keeping up with the Jones. Amazing how we buy in and get on this treadmill, as if it were true that material success leads to happiness. Don't believe it for a minute. Don't buy in! We lived in the perfect neighborhood and were doing quite well. Well something happened, and we were forced to give up these so called wonderful things. When we left that world no one called to see how we were. I would see so called friends in the stores and they turned their heads when they saw me. You see, it was all about status! When we were at the top, we had tons of friends, but after that, not so much. Were these people our friends? Not really.   What is your passion? Would you not be most fulfilled if you were living it, regardless of the material rewards or social recoginition? Character accounts for a whole lot. You don't see much of that today. How sad when we don't care about each other. I will leave you with that to ponder.

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