Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chicken Eggs Fresh For You And Yours

Chicken eggs come from chickens. That wasn't so hard was it? You're going to be an expert in chicken eggs in no time. And, I should point out that the chicken came before the egg, because without the chicken there would be no animal to produce the egg. Also, there would be no animal to hatch the egg and care for the young. So far so good? Now for something a bit more difficult. Young female chickens are called pullets. As a pullet ages and begins laying eggs, we refer to them as a hen. Hens will lay eggs irrespective of the presence of a rooster, the adult male chicken. If you want fertile eggs, then get young male chickens called cockerels along with your pullets. Otherwise, the hens lay infertile eggs that are exactly like fertile eggs in every respect except they can't produce a baby chick. Roosters fertilize the hens, not the eggs. The rooster will stand on the back of the hen while she lifts her tail. It's the same mating technique used by turkeys, hawks and other birds. Enough biology for today.