Working With The Cocks In The Flock
Make no mistake , an attack from a feisty cock can be a painful and stunning experience! He uses both shank and wing to flog your leg or torso. With a force surprising for an animal so small, and shocking in the sheer violence of an attack that holds nothing back. When a sharp, well aimed spur strikes home, the result can be a scar that lasts a lifetime, both physically and mentally. A playing for keeps attack from a determined cock is no casual matter. I have never been floged, but have come close with a Rhode Island Red. That is another reason why I chose the Dominique. Although Broad Rooster did try my patience. The cock is only acting out of a deeply felt duty to defend the flock. Once he has concluded you are a threat, he will fight you without hesitation and believe me, he doesn't care that you are 20 times bigger than he is. When you are working with the flock, especially in close quarters, keep your movements quiet and gentle. I would like to offer my boys special treats by hand, but so far I haven't gotten that brave. Both Benjamin and Foreman seem pretty tame. Benjamin keeps his eye on me most of the time. I think in time they will learn that I am here to protect and take care of them.