Saturday, November 17, 2012


I love THANKSGIVING. It has everything a great holiday should have. Food food and more FOOD! Thanksgiving, of course, gives us all the opportunity to gather with friends and family to actually reflect on the bounty of our lives. Gratitude is truly one of the most important ingredients for happiness, and Thanksgiving offers just the forum to express those feelings. My late mother always said that without health you have nothing. I fully agree. Every day that I wake up feeling great is another day that I thank God for the blessing of good health. I found a wonderful partner. My life has definately improved substantially. I love you David. My children. What would I do without them. I have been blessed with two of the most kindest and caring people in the world. Jennifer calls me every day and checks in, to which all I can say is thanks. She has 3 boys of her own, that I love dearly, but I am never forgotten. Brad is a great guy. Married now and has a familly of his own. I know that if anything were to happen, the two of them would be here. I love you both!    
Let me just list a few of my things that I am thankful for: Born in the USA,Friends, Love, Music, Blogs, Laughter, Sunshine, Books, Smiles, Hope, Fun, Films, Knowledge,Kindness etc, etc.You see where I am going with this. There is no end to my blessings!