Thursday, November 8, 2012

The ClipArt gallery of Color US Flags offers 27 illustrations of national flags of the United States, from the first 13 star flag to the current fifty star flag..

The Real Takeaway From The Election
People voted for two symbols. They voted for what they though the candidates stood for. The candidate, Obama was perceived as representing what the government can do for the people. The candidate, Romney, was perceived as representing what people can do for themselves. Obama's victory signifies the acceptance by about half the county that the federal government is a gift giving society. That is its mission. A smaller part of the nation still believes in freedom of the individual, while the larger part believes in what the government can give them.
This is the future we have entered. Here is what we give you. Now you are ours. You belong to us. We will watch you carefully. We will track you and take care of you and decide what is good for you. You have your gifts. Now you owe us. It will be Christmas every day, but the gifts will drop on to the floor in a room where the walls are slowly closing in.
America as we know it is gone!