Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Stress Free Focus
The honeybee's autoimmune system is 67% at best. Anything and everything stresses them out. For example: opening the hives, which will set them back a day; not enough food stores, noises on the outside of the hive, pretty much anything that doesn't happen if they were in the tree trunk.
All too often people don't think of the honeybee in its own environment. Beekeepers tend to keep bees according to their own personal viewpoints or life style. In truth the bees keep me. They tell me what their needs are and I try to provide it. I keep bees naturally. I don't usaually feed unless one of the hives seem to be weak, or light on honey stores. I never try to bother them unless I am gathering honey. We have this arrangement; I don't bother them and they don't bother me. Really, they are pretty much self sufficient. Now in their dorment stage. I am catching up on reading material and waiting for their first sighting.