Wednesday, January 16, 2013

With the new year upon us and the resolution making frenzy in full effect, many of us myself included will be casting aside clutter in an attempt to streamline our homes. But what, and how much,do you get rid of? What makes clutter, clutter? Where do you draw the line between an inspiring collection and a jumbled mess? If you have ever walked into a fdriend's home and found yourself wondering how they can live with all of that stuff, you know that we each have our own clutter comfort level. So the questions become: What is clutter to you, and what can you do about it? Each of us has an innate sense of what feels cluttered , so the first step in coming to terms with your own clutter is determining what your clutter set point is.I personally do not like any type of clutter in the home. That presents a problem for my husband, because he seems to always have clutter around him. I like a place for everything and everything in its place.