Tuesday, September 17, 2013

sunflower -
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Sunflowers are Yellow  
Its a plain fact, that during late summer, yellow sunflowers are often seen growing near country house porches, bordering vegetable gardens, and towering over mail boxes along the roads of Kentucky. The sunflower is one of the tallest species of plants that you can grow from seed. They will reach heights on average of five feet tall. In my yard, I have seen them over the roof tops of my house. Sunflowers bloom in many yellow tones and some of the smaller varieties have marvelous shades of reds, and oranges. In 1888 Van Gogh painted a bouquet of sunflowers. I have a copy in my kitchen over my trash can which also has painted sunflowers. Sunflowers are easy to grow and seed themselves. My sunflowers are flowering their heads off right now, and greeting the mail lady everyday with their bowing heads.