Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lets talk about schools. My children are in education. One in higher and the other two in primary. Common Core focuses heavily on busy work, writing and rewriting words and sentences and filling out repetitive packets. Creativity is dead, there's no encouragement for free thinking.

Forget about problem solving, group work, and thinking outside the box, these kids need to memorize the core curriculum first. It's as if creativity holds no merit. Don't we want to inspire kids to be leaders and world changers?

Another huge problem with Common Core is that its implementation seems to coincide with the elimination of recess. The demands of the curriculum are so high that there's no time for recess. Because of all the testing that goes  with Common Core, it wouldn't be fair to force schools to have recess. Which in my opinion is ridiculous.

Recess is when kids truly practice social skills. They take turns. They negotiate, They initiate friendships, and they learn to cope with disappointment. And lack of recess leads to other problems of course, such as problems in a nation where childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents.  

1 comment:

  1. Another thing recess did was let the students minds relax & regroup for the next lessons to learn. Taking recess away had done a great disservice to our children.
