Friday, January 31, 2014

Every beekeeper, whether they have 1 hive or thousands, has a story of how they started. I noticed that my vegetable garden was void of pollinators. I started keeping bees three years ago. I started with two hives. Then a friend gave me a swarm. It is doing great. I am thinking about ordering another hive. I use a lot of honey through the year. I gather my own honey from the hives. It is a long process, but completely worth it. Happy Weekend!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Well Color Me Impressed!

There are a handful of things in life that I can say bring me pure joy; one of those things is my chickens. Above is the inside information. So, in this picture is how stuff works. It is pretty graphic, but it shows you the insides of a real chicken. If you have any questions please e-mail me. By the way, how do you like my new format.  You are free to feed the fish any time you like, by clicking left on your mouse. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Turn Me On Words TV HDTV Television Watch Program -
Snacks For TV Watching
There's something about watching your favorite TV show that makes you want to snack. Maybe you like to nibble on something salty and crunchy, or something deliciously sweet. Fresh raw veggies are good, because you get a nice satisfying crunch and tons of nutrition. Popcorn is good too. I take a 1/2 cup of organic popcorn, and put it in a lunch bag, and pop it in the microwave. If you need your sweetness fix, grab an apple, pear, peach, grapes etc. Nuts and seeds have such a tasty combination of crunch, flavor and salt. That should keep you satisfied for TV watching.

Update on Sunshine my hen. She got off the nest one day when I was out feeding, and I took the 5 eggs away. I replaced them with 5 more eggs. She is back on the nest again counting 8 days. With the first batch of eggs she set for 35 days without a near peep. I am hoping this batch will bring her success.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

 Landen's Birthday Party
Landen's Cake At School 
Landen's Birthday Present
Sunday I promised to take Landen to see Nut Job. A part of his birthday present. A mischievous squirrel, and his rat friend Buddy, plan a nut store heist of outrageous proportions, and continues to be a hilarious adventure. Landen and I both loved the flick!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy cat -

Your Cat Thinks You Are A Big, Lazy Mama Cat 
The age old battle between cat lovers( which we have several in our family)and dog lovers over which creature is preferable as a house pet just got a little more interesting. A new book by a prominent feline researcher who has been studying cats for over 30 years reveals what many of us have suspected about the true nature of cats. That they view us humans as oversized, lazy mama cats and, perhaps not surprisingly, generally view humans as something other than companions.  
Cats as we currently know them are not completely domesticated as is commonly believed. While dogs have an innate sense of companionship that bonds them to their owners as protectors and loyal friends, cats view humans much more superfluously. Sure, cats are capable of bonding with their owners, at least on some level, but they typically do not make the best companions. Now chickens on the other hand, are sweet loving creatures, but I am bias.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Chickens
One of my favorite things about chickens is gathering eggs. It never seems to grow old. Each egg is a gift from the girls. Did you know that chickens don't pee- everything comes out in one plop, and that pile is more than 75% liquid. Chickens poop everywhere, and they cannot be trained to do otherwise. Today it is 6 degrees, but is jumping up to the  high of 14. My chickens don't seem to be bothered by the cold weather. They have gobs of feathers and seem to be insulated well. They are laying too. That's a good thing, because they need to pay for their food. Stay warm out there you fellow bloggers!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rooster in the snow
This Is What We Woke Up To! 
This rooster is trying to avoid stepping in the snow. Chickens are so funny when it comes to the white stuff. It is like a foreign object to them.
It is snowing like crazy here in South Central KY. WINDS gusting up to 30 MPH.Yesterday was 49 degrees and sunny. Such is life and old man winter in the state of KY.I talked to my son this morning and in Cincinnati they have5 inches on the ground and still falling.
Back to part two of bee propolis
Propolis does indeed have antiseptic properties. Applied to wounds it helps fight infections. I love my bees and today they are staying warm and cozy in their hive. Temps going down to 12 degrees tonight.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Today it is 49 degrees and my bees are out for a cleansing. I am sooo happy to see them. It has been quite cold in South Central Ky. this year, with temperatures getting in the single digits, and wind chill factors below zero. Honey bees are tireless workers, committed to sustaining life for all through pollination of various plants and crops. Honey bees are effective natural chemists as well. By collecting resins from leaf buds and vegetables, they are able to produce propolis. Bees create propolis from their environment in order to disinfect their hives, seal cracks, and even embalm intruders. Humans can collect and utilize propolis for personal health reasons. I will explain in tomorrows post how humans can collect propolis. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Chicken Toy


Life On A Farm
Thought this was cute. Not to offend anyone, but this is life at our place too!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My friend Julie had a tea party today. It was such fun,  and afterwards I was shopping at Target, and ran across the propel zero in individual packets. I had not seen this in Kroger so I took a box home. It is good and packed with vitamins and minerals as well. Then I ventured over to my favorite stop, you guessed it, Starbucks. I just can't get enough of that place. They are featuring a new coffee beverage called:
Caffe' Mocha. It comes in a packet with individual packets within side. It has the flavor of hot chocolate. Yum! Never be without great coffee!

Monday, January 13, 2014

I Have Chickens On The Brain
Old Chicken Sayings
Fly the coop
Don't count your eggs before they hatch
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Hen pecked
Pecking order
As scarce as hens teeth
Rules the roost
Nest egg
Shake a tail feather
Hen party
Can you think of any more?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Talk Of The Flock
Chickens speak a language of their own, and if you listen carefully, you can interpret it. I like to eavesdrop in the coop or yard when the chickens are clucking quietly to each other. It makes me think they are just comparing notes of the morning gossip. The "egg song" sung from a nest box is loud enough for me to hear while I am working in the garden. The announcement of a day's labor accomplished is hard to describe, but once heard, memorable. Occasionally, A SPECIAL TIDBIT MIGHT BE FOUND, AND THERE'S MUCH EXCLAMATION OVER THAT. If it's something stretchy they have found - like a worm - the resulting hen cantering around the yard with a troop jogging behind is worth a smile, if not a giggle.
As you watch your flock and learn about them, you will be able to interpret much of what they are communicating. You may even want to try talking back to them.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

More Than Eggs
A fellow blogger of mine said "May you always have an egg in your pocket and chickens in your heart." Sometimes when I gather eggs, I forget to bring my basket. Then I load my pockets full. With 27 chickens that's a lot of eggs. Every now and then I discover that I forgot to put one in the carton. Innocently, you reach inside the pocket of your coat next day, and find a sweet little orb of an egg greeting your fingertips. How exciting! Each egg is special. Just as each chicken is special.    

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

As we all know, weather, regardless of the season, impacts hive activity and can be a huge factor in the success and sustainability of bee colonies; even when you are managing all other variables to the best of your ability. This month (January) has been exceptionally cold, with temperatures dropping in single digits and wind chill factors as low as 15 below zero. Much colder than normal conditions are expected this winter. I don't know exactly what that means for my bees, but I am considering ordering another hive. I would hate when spring arrives to find out one of my hives didn't make it! Hive one isn't as strong as I would have liked to have it going into winter. I guess only time will tell. Have a blessed Wednesday and keep warm.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Looking Forward To This!
Today in South Central KY it is down in the single digit temperatures. Went out to feed the chickens and was out there in the wind, and cold, and couldn't stay out more than ten minutes. Temperatures are dropping for most of the day, and will wind up close to zero by the end of the day. Just thinking now about the bees. I hope they are ok. This weather wrecks havoc on all creatures great and small. Even us humans!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

man chasing money
Big Money Problems For The Next Generation
All good parents attempt to talk to their children about money, and the value of the dollar, but instead kids pay attention to what their parents do with money, not what they say about it. As with most things in life, the best approach for passing on good financial values is by example. It seems that our grandparents not only talked about the value of the dollar, they lived it. Of course there wasn't as much peer pressure, or trying to keep up with the Jones. Two income families has become the norm not the exception. When I was young, my mother never worked, never knew how to drive, and as I can remember, never really wanted anything. She was content with what she had. What a blessing.. My dad was the same way. Always happy with what he had. Todays generation has an expectation of immediate satisfaction, they don't have to work for their money, and they have high standards of living, and don't appreciate where the money comes from. As a girl of 14 I started baby sitting. I watched 4 children, all under the age of 5. I paid for my clothes to wear that year. Then while in high school I worked after school at a grocery store, and on Saturdays. I had to walk from work which was 2 miles home everyday. I didn't mind. As a matter of fact, I felt a sense of satisfaction. I was accomplishing something.  In short, we are raising a fiscally challenged generation!

Friday, January 3, 2014

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A Winter Day
Snow came to South Central KY yesterday which made the roads rather slick. Today I am catching up on chores and looking at seed catalogues. Its that time of year you know. I always look forward to looking at the new fruits and vegetables that are available. I do love the old varieties like Blue Lake Bush beans, Detroit beets and the Straight Eight cucumbers. As I have said many times in many of my posts that I grow organic. Organic is a method that rejects the aggressive action of chemicals. Organic gardeners prefer to use natural tillers- earthworms and microorganisms -to till the soil for them. I have chickens, so I have access to organic matter to spread over my garden, which in turn helps to grow healthy plants. Soon spring will be here and I will be planting peas, lettuce, spinach and kale. Hurry Spring and make yourself known!   

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Happy new year gold vector -

New Year, New You
Ever feel like you needed a kick in the get moving with some of your goals? You know, the ones that have been hanging over your head for a while, like rising above the drama and getting back to work, or finally realizing you can't do it all.  Its becoming clear to me now that I can't do it all. No matter how much I want to, its not possible. I guess coming to that conclusion means I am on my way. Happy New Year everyone!