Monday, September 30, 2013

Retro kitchen -

The kitchen is definitely the heart of the house. Playing host to family meals, casual conversations with friends and family, a quiet afternoon tea for one, storage space for décor and accents. In recent years and with the economic shift, many people have downsized and smaller kitchen areas are now a way of life. But don't fret. There are tons of small space kitchen design ideas and practical solutions to make the most of your kitchen square footage. Today people are spending valuable time at home and are making it a priority to create comfort spaces that truly suit their lives.

Friday, September 27, 2013

  clothes clothing winter scarf scarfs  skarf-winter.gif clip art clothing winter

Staying Fit During The Winter

Why am I bringing this up. Well, it is going to happen sooner or later, so we might as well get started, and talk about our bodies and how to keep them fit during the colder months. For most of the world, the transition from summer to fall and fall to winter is never easy. You will crave those warm summer nights, and the idea of seeing a temperature below your age is frightening. A fit and healthy body doesn't happen overnight. Many people see the colder weather as an excuse to cover up in bulky clothing and hibernate in the comfort of their own home. However you didn't get your killer body sitting on the couch. Take the time to remember why you worked so hard in the first place and realize a healthier, happier and fitter you is something that takes around the clock work.  

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lavender flowers Lavandula Vector illustration on white...
Lavender Oil Is For Healing
Lavender essential oil has many wonderful uses. One of the best know healing oils, lavender oil has a chemically complex structure. Your female ancestors most likely used lavender water as perfume. Apply lavender oil to insect bites, head lice, reduces fever, it is a great room deodorizer. Lavender is very effective at soothing, calming and balancing both mind and body. I put 2 drops in a dish in my bedroom just before I go to sleep and it helps to relax me so that I may have a restful sleep. By the way, I purchased my lavender at Whole Foods and it is 100% all natural.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Chicken With Eggs Clip Art

The Real Truth About Free-Range Egg Yolks  

Pay close attention: Bad News about free-range eggs. Claims on egg cartons can be VERY misleading. lutein....added omega-3. So which ones are the best? The simple answer is you want the eggs that come from the healthiest hens possible. In other words, hens need to have access to sunshine and be able to eat the omnivorous diet they're supposed to. Yes, hens are in fact omnivorous insectivores, and do not usually eat the grains most farmers feed them nowadays. Eggs raised this way pack a ton more nutrition than regular factory eggs. For example, a farmer could say that its hens are cage-free, but in fact, they could still be packed into an overcrowded barn in the dark leading to very poor life conditions for them and ultimately eggs that contain way less nutrients in your shopping cart. The bottom line is just like buying grass fed beef, knowing your egg farmer personally remains the best way to make sure you are getting the nutrition you are paying a premium for. That's why I have my own chickens who lay brown eggs with orange centers that stand up in the pan. YES!      

Monday, September 23, 2013

two money bags

Call To Action
As bills are coming in from the surgery I had four weeks ago. I am shocked! Bills from the surgeon, hospital, doctor etc. I am thinking, my goodness, this is a lot of money that is accumulating. We have insurance; and still the numbers are daunting. As the U.S. healthcare system crumbles before our very eyes, it is more important now than ever to implement natural curers and remedies. Although, I don't know how you avoid acute appendicitis. Some of these health issues are mind boggling. We must train ourselves and our children to be self-sufficient and learn to be outside the control of the broken system whenever possible.  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

 Found this tin sign at Hobby Lobby. Going to hang it up on the outside of the chicken houseToo cute!
Cleaned out the hens nests. Filled them with herbs and cedar shavings. 
 Their floor is squeaky clean  
 Look at Morton the Moron and Chumly  Aren't they stately boys?
There's the girls. They are growing like weeds, and only 3 months old! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

If You Are Breathing You Are Amazing

I have had a setback with my emergency surgery 4 weeks ago, but I am still trudging on. One pose that is working for me after the surgery is the Half Moon. First, soften the right knee and bring the right hand to your hip. Place the left hand flat on the floor about a foot in front of the right foot. Begin to straighten the right leg while simultaneously kicking up the left leg parallel to the floor. Twist the torso towards the right, bringing the right arm up toward the ceiling and the gaze up to the right fingertips. Keep both hips squared towards the floor. Good one!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

sunflower -
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Sunflowers are Yellow  
Its a plain fact, that during late summer, yellow sunflowers are often seen growing near country house porches, bordering vegetable gardens, and towering over mail boxes along the roads of Kentucky. The sunflower is one of the tallest species of plants that you can grow from seed. They will reach heights on average of five feet tall. In my yard, I have seen them over the roof tops of my house. Sunflowers bloom in many yellow tones and some of the smaller varieties have marvelous shades of reds, and oranges. In 1888 Van Gogh painted a bouquet of sunflowers. I have a copy in my kitchen over my trash can which also has painted sunflowers. Sunflowers are easy to grow and seed themselves. My sunflowers are flowering their heads off right now, and greeting the mail lady everyday with their bowing heads.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

New Ways To Keep A Flock While Learning Some Tips And Tricks For Reducing Your Feed Cost!...

In the process of raising chickens we many times start out with only a few birds, and this cost of feeding is minimal. But as all chicken owners know, chicken math usually comes into play. Our flocks increase in size very rapidly, often times more than doubling with one purchase of additional birds. Before we realize it feed cost are rising sky high. What now? Do we have to reduce our flocks? Or is there another option to bet cost down?
One big factor is whether or not you can free range your birds. I don't. But I am thinking seriously about it. My compost bin is the front of the chicken yard. You throw into this area all the vegetable matter you can get. Grass clipping too! You can also use the chicken tractor method where you place 4 to 5 hens in an open bottomed pen onto fresh grass. I do this with my chickens. How about growing your chicken feed? Like tomatoes, beans, sunflower seeds, and squash. By using a combination of these methods you can successfully reduce your feed costs for a happier you, a happier wallet and still have happy chickens.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Here Comes A Storm
Look at that sky! It is coming a storm. But in the meantime, the boys, all three are up for a basketball shoot. It is Wednesday, and we pick up the two boys and bring them home. Jennifer and I prepare meals on those evenings so that we can have some family time together. I am so appreciative of that time. In todays society, we are all busy, and any time with family is good time. Go boys! Get those shots in before it rains. Who is winning?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

 Alex eating mashed potatoes
 Landen scarfing up those chicken tenders
 Those precious cards

Grand Parents Day! 
Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child's growth as vitamins. (Louisa May Alcott) Sunday was Grandparents Day, so the boys gave us some beautiful cards as you can see. Monday was Grandparents Day at McNeil School so we shared lunch with our two grand boys.
I have a fig bush in my side yard so I made a pint of fig preserve's. I tried a spoonful and it is really good. Saving this one for when the snow is flying.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Marichi's Pose - Marichyasana I
Forward Bend
Stretching the shoulders, spine, and hamstrings. I am still recovering from my surgery, but in two weeks I will be able to attend yoga etc. Bend your right knee and place the sole of your right foot  close to your right buttock. Keep the left leg extended and engaged with the foot flexed. Hug your right knee towards your body as you reach the left arm straight up to the ceiling. Drop the left arm behind your back as you wrap your right arm in front of your right shin. Bend the hands together behind your back. Sit up tall with a long, straight spine. Begin to fold into a forward bend, keeping your hands bound and your spine long. Come back to a perpendicular spine before releasing the bind and doing the other side. Namaste!

Monday, September 9, 2013

If you are up to date with the day to day anti-aging trends, then you have  probably come across the ingredient resveratrol. The highest content of resveratrol is located in a plant called the Japanese Knotweed. Resveratrol is also found in the skin of grapes (red mostly) and it is found in a few types of nuts and berries such as peanuts and blueberries. Resveratrol supplements, which contain a significant amount of resveratrol can be purchased by many company's. Realistically, you cannot drink nearly the amount of wine it takes to fully experience the benefits of resveratrol.. Of course you can have fun doing so!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

clip art of a newlywed couple embracing each other on their wedding day clipart
A Marriage That Survives The Tests Of Time
Always let her have her way. When Mama's happy, everyone is happy. Cook the foods he enjoys. I always heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Let the wife take care of the house and the man take care of the yard. That doesn't always work in todays society. It doesn't hurt to say "Yes Dear" and "I love you." Everyone wants to be wanted and cared about. You don't always agree on everything. Try to work it out instead of getting angry. That never solves anything! Finally, be happy with what you have, and who you are. Happiness comes from within. No one can make you happy.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Today’s tip is from Donna at Flannel Jammies Farm. She notes:

“I adjusted the cutting depth to allow the corn to be cut perfectly from the cob without destroying the kernels and without cutting into the cob.  And I laid that ear on the mandolin, holding it firmly on top with my fingers WELL out of the cutting path, and I swiped it over the blade.
how to remove corn from the cob is a wonderful blog.. Check it out.. This is where I found this wonderful corn cutter.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer still lingers. However, regardless of where you are, fall is quickly descending on us. If we aren't careful and don't act now, it could be a very bad winter for our bees. Having a healthy hive in the fall is key to overwintering the hive and having it survive. Know what winter prep needs to happen and what will help with your hives survival. I can't stress this enough. You need to have healthy bees now, because these are the bees which are rearing the bees which will take the hive through winter. This weekend I am taking off my supers. Taking the honey off and hoping for the best. You see, I don't feed nor medicate my hives. I just let nature take care of itself!

My daughter sent this to me yesterday: "A friend is: A push when you are stopped: A word when you are lonely; A guide when you are searching; A smile when you are sad; A song when you are glad." 
This is you!! So glad you are my momma AND my friend!! Needless to say, it just made my day!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Buff Orpington looking in the camera is the only one with yellow feet. Does anyone know why?
 I am holding one of the girls. The English class of chickens.
 My Morning Glory in full sunlight. Isn't it a beautiful flower?

Sweet pea vines are so pretty. As a child we always had sweet peas in the yard.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Good For The Body
Cucumbers are a great source of B vitamins. Apart from that, they are made of 95 percent water, making them a great fruit to hydrate the body. When the body gets good hydration, it can eliminate toxins, which is good for the kidneys and liver as well. Since cucumbers with their skins have most of the amount of daily vitamins that the body needs, it is a good idea to eat them as snacks. I planted a whole row of cucumbers this year. They did great! I made pickles as I mentioned in a previous post. Altogether I canned 14 pints, 2 quarts and 1 gallon of bread and butter, and spicy pickles. Looking forward to those cold winter days eating pickles and pinto beans.